Reiki First Level

As a Reiki Grand Master, I’m here to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Reiki Level 1, including its procedure, benefits, outcomes, and different types. Reiki Level 1 is the foundational level of Reiki training, where practitioners are introduced to the basic principles and techniques of channelling healing energy. Let’s dive into the details.


Reiki Level 1: The Basics and Beyond


Reiki Level 1 training typically spans one or more days, during which students receive attunements from the Reiki Master. The procedure includes:

  1. Introduction to Reiki: Students are introduced to the history, philosophy, and principles of Reiki. They learn about the energy centres (chakras) and how energy flows through the body.
  2. Attunement: The Reiki Master performs an attunement ceremony, aligning the students with the Reiki energy. This process opens their energy channels and connects them to the universal life force energy.
  3. Hand Positions: Students are taught basic hand positions for self-healing and treating others. These hand positions correspond to different parts of the body and energy centres.
  4. Practice: Students practice self-healing and basic techniques on themselves and fellow students. This hands-on practice helps them become familiar with the sensation of Reiki energy and its effects.
  5. Ethics and Guidelines: Students learn about ethical considerations, boundaries, and the importance of using Reiki energy for the highest good of all.
  6. Manual and Certification: Students receive a manual that outlines the principles and techniques of Level 1 Reiki. At the end of the training, they receive a certificate acknowledging their completion of the course.


Reiki Level 1 offers several benefits for both personal development and healing:

  1. Self-Healing: Practitioners learn how to perform Reiki on themselves, which can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being.
  2. Energetic Sensitivity: The attunement process heightens the practitioner’s sensitivity to energy. They may feel tingling, warmth, or other sensations while channelling Reiki energy.
  3. Balancing Energy: Reiki assists in balancing the body’s energy centres, promoting physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual harmony.
  4. Stress Reduction: Reiki can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension by encouraging a state of deep relaxation.
  5. Pain Relief: Many practitioners report reduced pain and discomfort after receiving Reiki treatments.
  6. Clearing Blockages: Reiki energy can help clear energetic blockages, promoting the free flow of energy throughout the body.
  7. Enhanced Intuition: Some practitioners experience heightened intuition and greater awareness of their inner guidance.


After completing Reiki Level 1 training, practitioners experience a range of outcomes:

  1. Connectedness: Practitioners feel a deeper connection to themselves, others, and the universe through the Reiki energy.
  2. Self-Healing: They gain the ability to perform self-healing sessions, which can lead to increased self-awareness and improved health.
  3. Awareness of Energy: Practitioners become more attuned to subtle energies around them, fostering a greater understanding of energy dynamics.
  4. Empowerment: Reiki Level 1 empowers individuals to take an active role in their well-being by accessing and directing healing energy.
  5. Foundation for Further Levels: Level 1 sets the foundation for higher levels of Reiki training, where practitioners delve deeper into the use of symbols and more advanced techniques.

Types of Reiki Level 1:

While traditional Usui Reiki is the most widely recognized form, there are variations of Reiki that offer Level 1 training:

  1. Usui Reiki: The original form of Reiki was founded by Mikao Usui. Level 1 focuses on self-healing and basic energy techniques.
  2. Tibetan Reiki: A variation that incorporates Tibetan symbols and practices, adding a unique flavour to Reiki’s energy work.
  3. Crystal Reiki: Involves using crystals in conjunction with Reiki energy. Level 1 teaches how to combine crystal energy with Reiki healing.
  4. Angel Reiki: This form involves working with angelic energies alongside Reiki. Level 1 may introduce practitioners to angelic symbols and connections.
  5. Shamanic Reiki: Integrates shamanic practices with Reiki energy work. Level 1 introduces foundational shamanic techniques and rituals.

In conclusion, Reiki Level 1 is a transformative journey into the world of energy healing. Through attunements, hands-on practice, and a deeper understanding of energy dynamics, practitioners experience enhanced well-being, self-awareness, and the ability to channel healing energy for themselves and others. The benefits of Reiki Level 1 extend to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms, setting the stage for further exploration of Reiki’s potential in higher levels of training. Whether practising traditional Usui Reiki or exploring variations, Reiki Level 1 is a powerful stepping stone on the path of healing and self-discovery.