Reiki 3rd Level- Part B(Master lvl)


Path of Reiki 3rd Level – Part-B: The Teacher’s Awakening

Guiding Others on Their Journey of Reiki Mastery


In the continuation of our exploration of the transformative journey within Reiki’s realms, we now delve into Reiki 3rd Level, Part-B: The Teacher’s Awakening. As a Reiki Grand Master, it is an honour to guide practitioners as they ascend to the pinnacle of their Reiki journey and embrace the role of a teacher and guide. In this article, we will unravel the profound significance of Reiki 3rd Level, Part-B, and the awakening that accompanies the transition to becoming a Reiki Master Teacher.

The Evolution Continues: Reiki 3rd Level, Part-B

Having completed Part-A of the 3rd level and mastered the art of self-mastery and heightened energy awareness, practitioners stand at the threshold of a new chapter. Reiki 3rd Level, Part-B, marks the stage where practitioners are initiated into the role of a Reiki Master Teacher. This phase is characterized by the profound awakening of the practitioner’s ability to attune and guide others on their own journey of Reiki mastery.

The Teacher’s Path: A Sacred Responsibility

Embracing the Role of a Reiki Master Teacher

reiki symbol

1. The Attunement Process

The transition from a Reiki practitioner to a Master Teacher is marked by the attunement process. This process empowers practitioners with the ability to attune others to the Reiki energy and initiate them into the world of Reiki healing. The attunement is a sacred and transformative experience that connects the practitioner’s energy to the lineage of Reiki Masters, amplifying their ability to channel and share the energy with precision and intent.

2. Passing Down Wisdom

Central to the role of a Reiki Master Teacher is the transmission of wisdom and knowledge. Practitioners now possess a deep understanding of the symbols, techniques, and philosophies of Reiki. They guide students through the significance of symbols and their application in various healing scenarios. This transmission carries forward the lineage of Reiki and ensures the purity of the teachings.

3. Mentorship and Support

Master Teachers become mentors and guides for their students. They offer support and guidance as students navigate their own Reiki journey, addressing questions, concerns, and experiences that arise. This mentorship extends beyond the technical aspects of Reiki to encompass the spiritual, emotional, and personal growth of the students.


4. Facilitating Attunements

One of the most profound responsibilities of a Master Teacher is conducting attunement ceremonies. Through these ceremonies, students’ energy channels are opened to the flow of Reiki energy. The attunement marks a significant step in the student’s journey, deepening their connection to the universal life force energy and catalyzing their growth as healers.

5. Nurturing Intuition and Connection

Master Teachers guide their students in honing their intuitive abilities. They emphasize the importance of listening to one’s inner guidance and developing a strong connection with the energy they channel. This connection fosters a heightened sensitivity to energy dynamics, enabling practitioners to provide effective and holistic healing.

6. The Circle of Giving and Receiving

As Master Teachers empower students, they too experience a continuous cycle of learning and growth. The act of teaching reaffirms their own understanding of Reiki principles, deepens their connection to the energy, and opens new avenues of insight. This reciprocity nourishes the Master Teacher’s spiritual journey.

7. The Eternal Student

Becoming a Reiki Master Teacher does not mark the end of the practitioner’s journey but the beginning of a new phase. Master Teachers remain perpetual students, embracing the lessons that every student and experience brings. This humility ensures the perpetuation of the energy’s purity and the evolution of the Reiki lineage.


Reiki 3rd Level, Part-B, is a profound stage of the Reiki journey, where practitioners evolve into Reiki Master Teachers. Embracing this role involves not only the transmission of knowledge but the sharing of energy, wisdom, and transformative experiences. As practitioners ascend to the pinnacle of their journey, they become beacons of light, guiding others on the path of self-discovery, healing, and mastery. The legacy of Reiki is continued through the dedication of Master Teachers who understand that the essence of Reiki lies in its ability to touch lives, empower souls, and create a harmonious tapestry of healing and growth.